
Item #: SNS-067

Object class: Apad


A rumored grasshopper

Socks nickel saving

The SNS-067-1 instance currently in containment must be given 5 feet pics a day in order to stabilize its mood and ensure the safety of the interviewer. Under no circumstances can any researcher assigned to SNS-067-1 interact with it for prolonged amounts of time. Personnel must be transferred each month in order to prevent the development of a foot fetish. All calls and transmissions near New york must be monitored for reports of strange creatures or feet-less corpses. Re-team 009 "The Retards" must be dispatched immediately to eliminate any SNS-067 instance by shooting its feet off. Re-team-9 is prohibited from talking to any SNS-067-1 instance.


Formerly known as the "Abomination" SNS-067 is a horribly misshapen and humanoid version of normal doge beings,


A instance of SNS-067-1

albeit there are several variations rumored to exist besides the one currently contained by the group. All humanoid instances of SNS-067 will be referred to as SNS-067-1, and the rumored "grasshopper" variant is SNS-067-2, SNS-067 has been known to harass female Researchers to get it out of its containment Dr. Kyle has requested an SNS-067-2 instance to be captured and contained in order to confirm these accounts, see addendum 16/05/2019. Pending approval.


Addendum 19/12/2018 Capture

Following several reports of ape-like creatures wandering through the forest surrounding A place in a new york, an SNS-067-1 broke into a house at night and killed all 4 inhabitants. The attack was reported as a noise complaint by a neighbor who heard the screams and thought the victims where engaging in hardcore CBT again. When a police officer arrived to the scene, SNS-067-1 had already eaten all of the inhabitants' feet and was staring at the entrance. The officer opened fire on SNS-067-1 and angered it, resulting in his death. Shortly after the call was intercepted, Re-team-009 "The Retards" was dispatched in order to see if the accident was related to the reports of strange creatures made over the last weeks. Re-team 9 managed to talk to SNS-067-1, who followed all instructions after offering his compliance in exchange for several feet pics possessed by a member of Beta-9. It is currently unknown how SNS-067-1 knew that a member of Beta-9 had 1 GB of low quality feet pics in her cellphone.
